Face coverings and Stage 3; your questions answered
As the region prepares to move into Stage 3 of reopening Friday, the Grey Bruce Health Unit has enacted an Order requiring face coverings in public places...
As the region prepares to move into Stage 3 of reopening Friday, the Grey Bruce Health Unit has enacted an Order requiring face coverings in public places...
In an effort to increase pedestrian and cyclist safety along the waterfront in Saugeen Shores, Council has approved reducing speed limits on North Shore Road...
With the recent rain and excellent compliance from residents in Saugeen Shores in the past several days, the Town is lifting the temporary watering ban effective...
A canoe journey through the territorial waters of Saukiing Anishnaabekiing, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, was launched Miin-giizis (Berry Moon) July 5, 2020, from Aazhoodena...
With high temperatures and a lack of rain, the Town of Saugeen Shores has declared a temporary watering ban for lawn and garden watering, pool filling and other...
The Saugeen Shores Winterhawks announced June 24 that they have accepted the resignation of Head Coach Matt Turcotte...
With ballers in Saugeen Shores itching to get out on the diamonds, Saugeen Shores Council was equally eager to hear the concept plans for the new Lamont Sports Park...
Grey and Bruce counties are joining forces to address newcomer integration and employment needs in the region. The two counties have received funding through...
The Rotary Huron Shore Run (RHSR) is one of the key contributors to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) each year...
The latest partnership between Bruce Power, the Nuclear Innovation Institute and NPX Innovation is a digital fundraising program to help revitalize and rebuild local communities...
The Paisley Blues Festival has created a Guitar Lending Program for youth ages 10 to 18 years in Grey and Bruce counties...