
Métis community pleased with Supreme Court decision

metis featureEditor,

The Historic Saugeen Métis community is extremely pleased with the Daniels Supreme Court decision, announced on April 14...


Committee says, "Thank You" in Letter to the Editor

splashpad featureDear Editor,

The Splash Pad Committee is made up of 12 local women who want nothing more than to enrich the beautiful community in which we live...

Send us your letters to the editor

cmw3 d40 6244The Hub wants to hear from you. We want your letters of opinion about matters that are important to you. Email them to us at news@saugeenshoreshub.ca or by mail P.O. Box 1678, Port Elgin ON, N0H 2C0. Please include name, town and telephone number for verification. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
