
Bruce Power enters five year $55 million deal with Areva NP

signing 560Nicolas Maes, Vice President of Areva NP, signs a five year deal worth $55 million with Bruce Power CEO and President Mike Rencheck.

Hub Staff

A five year deal worth $55 million between Bruce Power and Areva Nuclear Power which based out of Kincardine, was signed following a press conference in Kincardine January 31. The multi-million dollar high-voltage maintenance program will use local suppliers and keep 90 percent of staff local, said Areva President and Chief Operating Officer Bill Cooper.

With this agreement, Areva NP will continue to provide service for transformers and other high-voltage components to support the nuclear power plant as it continues to deliver 30 percent of Ontario’s electricity.

“Knowing that you have a longer time to develop your work you can look long-term and you can spend more money on capital equipment,” said Cooper.

One of five Areva owned oil-processing rigs was on site for those in attendance to inspect. The expensive piece of machinery features a 53 foot trailer, high-tech oil processing rig that removes the moisture that contaminates transfer oil which in turn helps transformers “last 40 to 60 to 80 years”.

Bruce Power CEO and President Mike Rencheck applauded Areva for their safe track record and helping to keep the cost of electricity low. “In these times, to find low cost power to the province is an important role,” said Rencheck. “Being reliable, on time and on budget with things as you have been and will continue to do, I’m sure is important for us.”

Areva NP Vice-President Nicolas Maes travelled from France to sign the agreement and said he was proud to be a long-term partner with Bruce Power and support Kincardine and the various towns in which its employees live.

The AREVA NP Kincardine office was established in the hopes of increasing reliable, local employment opportunities, supporting local economic growth. AREVA NP places importance on utilizing local vendors whenever possible. Currently more than 90 percent of staff and contractors at the Kincardine office reside in Bruce, Grey and Huron counties.

rig 560A new 53 foot Areva oil processing rig, used to provide service to transformers.
