
SDSS's Gay Straight Alliance creates safe spaces for elementary aged youth

buddy bench northport full

Pictured from left to right, on the bench, Northport Elementary School students, Charlie Gallop, Seth Gallop, Andersson Primeau; Saugeen District Secondary School Gay Straight Alliance members, Makenna Huber, right; Taylor Carr, standing. Photo submitted

The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at Saugeen District Secondary School is a student organization that embraces diversity and offers peer-to-peer supports. The GSA is a social justice group of LGBTQ+ youth and their allies.

Youth who identify as LGBTQ+ often experience discrimination and marginalization which can have a negative impact on one's sense of self. Promoting awareness around the issues that effect the non straight, non cisgender and non binary identifying youth, as well as creating safe and accepting environments, continues to be the goal of the GSA.

In its third year at SDSS, the GSA wanted to complete a project that could positively impact elementary students. Buddy Benches, also known as Friendship Benches, have been used in schools across the country as a tool to help young people navigate the challenges that can be associated with the playground.

Developing friendships and managing conflict can be difficult for many children. Students on the playground learn that the bench is the go-to safe place for children seeking a friend. The Buddy Bench essentially shares the same message of diversity and inclusion that the GSA wants to promote. Learning empathy and the acceptance of all individuals in earlier years helps to ensure children grow into compassionate adults.

In partnership with the Lion's Club, the Town of Saugeen Shores and SDSS's off-site construction program, the Buddy Benches were donated to G.C. Huston, Northport Elementary and École Port Elgin Saugeen Central. The GSA greatly appreciates the partnerships. 
