
Princ award 560Principal Melissa McEwan (left) awarded Sierra Evans and Hossam Gomaa with the Principal’s Award June 10, at Saugeen District Secondary School’s Academic Awards Assembly.

Hub Staff

With the 2015-2016 school year coming to a close, the staff at Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) shined a spotlight on a few exemplary students during a year end Awards Assembly, June 10.

The SDSS vocal class opened the assembly with “California Dreaming” and “I Lived”, which they performed during the Sounds of Spring concert that took place in May.

The names of the students who achieved overall marks of 80 percent or higher had their names presented on a projector, while SDSS students and their parents applauded every name.

Meagan Fowler was announced as the class of 2016’s Valedictorian, where she will be introduced by fellow graduate Utsab Roychowdhury, at commencement in October.

Award achievements presented were as follows:

Junior Visual Art Award: Rachel Shave and Machenzie Burkhart, Grade 9; and Marissa Kahgee, Grade 10
Grade 11 Visual Art Award: Kennedy Klie and Sarah Bester
Senior Visual Art Award: Sukjmani Barsa
Specialty Art Award: Jocelyn Boville and Nicole Hall
Academic Achievement Award: Joel Fawthrop and Brittany Greig
Junior Business Award: Thomas Forsyth, Umar Azmi and Maddie Hobson
Community Peacemaker Award: Hossam Gomaa
CUPE Local 1176 Service Award: Adam O’Handley-Koshowski
Drama Awards for High Achievement: Ashely Stroud, Audrey Turcotte, Grade 10; Fiona Miller, Grade 11; Meagan Fowler, Grade 12
The Eric Parker English Award: Logan Grahame
French Proficiency Awards -DELF: Kaycee Fischer, Jacob Kubiak, Jesse Millette, Hailey Patrice, Roger Thompson and Shelby VanSickle
Grade 12 Core French: Tyler Donaldson
Grade 12 Ext. French: Hailey Patrice
Schulich Leader Scholarships: Hossam Gomaa
University of Waterloo Math Contest - Pascal Grade 9: Rahul Pandya
University of Waterloo Math Contest - Cayley Grade 10: Arif Azmi
University of Waterloo Math Contest - Fermat Grade 11: Umar Azmi
University of Waterloo Math Contest - Euclid Grade 12:Vishwa Shah
Chem 12 News Exam: Hossam Gomaa
Grade 9 Science Award: Sarah Morano
Grade 10 Science Award: Robbie Baker and Rebecca Turi
Biology: Tara Campbell
Chemistry: Hossam Gomaa
Physics: Curtis Kothe
Greenhouse Grade 11: Sara Bester, Tristain Lilly and Cole Tupling
Greenhouse Grade 12: Sarah Tennyson, Ella Bolton and Hanna Lynch
Greenhouse Co-op: Malik Khan and Mallory Earnshaw
National Trust Music Award Grade 9: Jamie Kuhl and Josh Lesperance
Lido Garden Music Awards Grade 10: Matthew Lemcke
The Kent Milroy Family Music Award Grade 11: Abygale Young and Lwanne Schwass
Ernest & Bonnie Ackert Music Award Grade 12: Sierra Evans
SDSS Music Award for Excellence in Guitar: Ben Rowley
Emmett McGrath Memorial: Hossam Gomaa
Vocal Music Award: Ethan Salmon
Summer Music Scholarship in Memory of Ernie Duff: Riley Funston and Rowan Weir
Cooperative Education Safety Award: Nick Bamford and Jaycee Fischer
Principal’s Leadership Awards: Sierra Evans and Hossam Gomaa

drama 560Drama award winners from left, Valedictorian Meagan Fowler, Fiona Miller, Grade 11; Drama teacher Mrs. Turcotte, Grade 10 students Ashley Stroud and Audrey Turcotte (right).

Matt Contest winners 560The students least likely to need a calculator are from left: Grade 12 student Vishwa Shah, Rahul Panda, Grade 9; teacher Mr. Elliot, Arif Azmi, Grade 10 and Umar Azmi, Grade 11. These students had high achievement in the University of Waterloo Math contest.

Eric Parker English Award gomaaOn the left, Rebecca Rayner (left) and Kyra Smith both won the Eric Parker English Award, during SDSS’s Academic Awards Assembly, June 10. On the right, Hossam Gomaa was presented with the Schulich Leader Award from Principal Melissa McEwen (right), for demonstrating excellence in the STEM fields: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In total Gomaa walked away with five awards during SDSS’s Awards Assembly June 10.

music 560The following students hit high notes in music achievement, from bottom left: Matthew Lemcke, Riley Funston, Josh Lesperance, Ethan Salmon, Leanne Schwass, Abygale Young, Sierra Evans and Rowan Weir (bottom right). From top left: Ben Rowley, Hossam Gomaa and Jamie Kuhl (top right).