Women’s House premieres video amidst 30th anniversary
A new video and a Christmas campaign for the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey (WHSBG) are just some of the things going on over the next few months to commemorate…
A new video and a Christmas campaign for the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey (WHSBG) are just some of the things going on over the next few months to commemorate…
Saugeen District Secondary School students have recently completed a fully accessible washroom at the Port Elgin Airport….
More photos from the Port Elgin Santa Claus Parade, November 28....
Congratulations to all the winners for the November 28 Port Elgin Santa Claus Parade!...
Downtown Port Elgin was all a bustle with crowds lining the streets to watch the annual Santa Claus parade Saturday….
Santa's Elves are at it again!
For a fourth year, Santa's Elves are getting together to host their annual Community Christmas Eve Dinner and everyone is invited....
Bruce Power is launching a new $1.2 million Aboriginal Community Investment Fund that will seek to invest in key community, educational, environmental, training and youth development....
Southampton's Christmas season officially kicked off Thursday evening with the Tree Lighting Ceremony and Southampton Sparkles...
Pow Wow Boot Camp, hand drumming and fish filleting were just a few of the things going on at St. Joseph's School in Port Elgin on Thursday, November 26 as they held a History and Heritage Day...
Children from G.C. Huston Public School in Southampton were busy decorating the Christmas tree on High Street
Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce President, Jeff Carver presented a business plan to Saugeen Shores Council on Monday, November 23, for a trolley service, which would run along the Shore Road....