
The Wismer House donated $645 to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation September 6, funds from their ball weekend Home Run Fundraiser. From left, Jeff Carver, owner of the Wismer House; Jim Barbour Foundation, Chair of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation and Clint Turcotte of Green Street Designs.

Hub Staff

Home runs hit during the year end baseball tournament at the end of August amounted to $645 which was donated by the Wismer House to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) September 6.

Prior the weekend, Wismer House owner Jeff Carver announced the Home Run Fundraiser, for every home run hit during ball weekend the Wismer House would donate $5 to SMHF. Carver added September 6 that he would like to put out the challenge again next summer. With fours homers apiece, this year's top hitters were Teagan Johnston for the Women’s Slo-Pitch league and Gord Davies and Derek Scott for the Men’s league.

In total 129 homers were hit with 103 from the mens teams and 25 from the women's. Stats and graphics for the Home Run Fundraiser were tallied and designed by Green Street Designs.