letter to the editor 560x373


During the 2018 municipal elections I had the privilege to attend the Saugeen Shores All Candidates meeting. During that event many members of the community took time out of their busy day to attend, so they would become better informed about current challenges facing the community.

While at this meeting many community members asked various questions, one in particular was regarding the proposed site for the recently announced Nuclear Innovation Institute. At that time it was to be located in Southampton beside the Bruce County Museum. I thought what a wonderful idea, have a campus concept in conjunction with the Museum and GC Huston Public School. Close to the core of Southampton, something from which all could benefit.

I was surprised at the position of what appeared to be a vocal few, thinking that it would all be resolved through collaboration with the County of Bruce, Bruce Power and the incoming Saugeen Shores Council. I was very disheartened to hear the news that the project has been sidelined due to the proposed location. It truly sounded like a few voices with a “not in my back yard’ approach were able to have enough influence to negatively impact this project.

As a longtime resident of Saugeen Shores (Port Elgin) I believe that this was not the voice of the majority. Having the Nuclear Innovation Institute here in Saugeen Shores would be a great opportunity and asset for not just our community but the County of Bruce as a whole. It is my hope that those leaders reviewing this project will continue to keep an open mind and have a transparent process that openly accepts input from all sections of the community and is not discouraged by the negative voices of a few.

It is my belief that Saugeen Shores will make an amazing home for the Nuclear Innovation Institute.

Tony Alberts, Port Elgin

Send your letters to news@saugeenshoreshub.ca.