letter to the editor 560x373


To begin, I am not anti nuclear. I am a pro small towner and I believe strongly in preserving the integrity of the beauty and uniqueness of a small town. I was raised here, left to attend college and raised a family in Ottawa. My husband and I have returned to this beautiful town for our retirement. There are no expectations for everything to remain as it was but there is an expectation for the preservation in the core of a town that presents itself so beautifully that people passing through promise to themselves that one day they will return here to cottage and often, to live.

After having attended the Open House on October 16 concerning the building of the Ontario Nuclear Innovation Institute (ONII) there are a multitude of issues that have come to mind. Further expansion of the Bruce County Museum and of GC Huston Public School are two of these issues. As our community grows quickly both of these institutions will require expansion again. I am not just referring to the planned expansion of the museum that exists presently but one that will arise down the road as the needs of the community expand. Also the school situation will arise in the future as it has in Port Elgin due to the increase in population of young families in the area.

The view of Fairy Lake is greatly compromised by the suggested architectural drawings and plans. The building is too modern to suit that part of town. This historic four corner piece of land is a well known landmark. It is inconceivable that the County did not realize that there would be very upset citizens over this. Bruce County is advertising this area as "the place to live". It is in the best interest of the County and the Town to keep the look of a quaint, lovely town.

The location is also not suitable due to traffic. Your study was carried out during the wrong time of year, try May 24 or Thanksgiving weekend. Your results would be more true.

There are so many other locations that would better suit the Institute. Along Highway 21 where it is more visible with easier parking and accessibility.

Had the citizens of Saugeen Shores (not just Southampton) known that this was a possibility I have no doubt that a group of private citizens would have come forward to purchase this piece of property to keep it in a manner suitable to the town, such as a possible lovely rental, a bed and breakfast or perhaps a restaurant or private home. Is it still a possibility for this to happen?

Perhaps another suggestion is for the former Anglican Church manse to be renovated and rented out to the persons who will come to the ONII from all over the world. This would give them an opportunity to enjoy our beautiful town while residing in one of its historic buildings.

I truly hope that you will consider all of my remarks. I saw people close to tears when looking at the architect's vision. I overheard sentiments that made me keenly aware of the depth of feelings towards this change, coming from people in this community who are the first to help out in a crisis, who have worked hard over the years to build this community, who volunteer hours upon hours of their own time to keep us all safe, to have events that are spectacular, which, by the way, are also part of presenting this community as "the place to live".

This community would not be what it is today without these people and it is the people who live here who have made this community into what it is. They should be regarded with respect and gratitude. And they should be given a say in such a tremendous change to the community.

Linda Doran,

Send your letters to news@saugeenshoreshub.ca.