
Saugeen First Nation and Saugeen Shores sign historic Friendship Accord

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau and Saugeen First Nation Chief Conrad Ritchie pause for a photo following the signing of the Accord.

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau and Saugeen First Nation Chief Conrad Ritchie pause for a photo following the signing of the Accord. Image supplied.

Kiera Merriam

Delegates from Saugeen Shores joined Saugeen First Nation (SFN) Chief, Council, elders, honourees, community members, and guests at the SFN Council Chambers Friday morning for the signing of the historic Friendship Accord following the completion of the First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI).

Their first ever Friendship Accord - Wiijkiwenydiwaad Miinwa Zgaabiignigan, means ‘Friends with one another and we are connected,' aims to embody a shared commitment between the Town and the Nation to talk together in partnership, fostering collaboration that honours the past, strengthens the two communities, and nurtures a prosperous future for the region as a whole. 

The all-day affair included a sacred fire, an opening prayer and smudging ceremony by Lori Kewaquom, songs performed by the women's drumming group, a gift exchange and the official signing of the Accord. Following the signing ceremony, councillors from both communities got down to business to discuss the path forward.

Short of a couple of awkward faux pas including a Saugeen Shores delegate tossing a paper cup into the sacred fire, the ceremony gave an air of camaraderie and partnership.

“Saugeen Shores is proud and excited to come together with Saugeen First Nation in the spirit of friendship, collaboration, and mutual respect,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “The signing of this Friendship Accord marks the beginning of a stronger partnership that will bring shared opportunities and lasting benefits for both our communities," Charbonneau said.

"It is with great pride and optimism that we join hands with Saugeen Shores in signing this Friendship Accord,” said Saugeen First Nation Chief Conrad Ritchie. “This agreement represents our commitment to moving forward together, honoring our heritage, and creating a future that benefits all our people. By working together, we can achieve remarkable things and continue to foster a spirit of unity and respect. Wiijkiwenydiwaad Miinwa Zgaabiignigan - Friends with one another and we are connected."

The guiding vision for the Accord is to create a working partnership for the benefit of both communities based on the seven Grandfather Teachings: Love - Zaagidwin; Respect - Mnaadendmowin; Bravery - Aakdehwin; Truth - Debwewin; Honesty - Gwekwaadziwin; Humility - Dbaadendizwin; and Wisdom - Ndwaakaawin.

It sets out a Vision, Guiding Principles, Process and Key Areas of Mutual Interest including Increasing Connection, Tourism, Building Complete Communities, and Business Development.

Saugeen First Nation and Town of Saugeen Shores exchanged gifts following the signing of the Accord. From left, Saugeen Shores Economic Development Officer Evan Vatri, Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau; Saugeen First Nation Chief Conrad Ritchie, Saugeen First Nation Economic Development Officer Brad Ritchie.

Saugeen First Nation and Town of Saugeen Shores exchanged gifts following the signing of the Accord. From left, Saugeen Shores Economic Development Officer Evan Vatri, Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau; Saugeen First Nation Chief Conrad Ritchie, Saugeen First Nation Economic Development Officer Brad Ritchie. Image supplied.

CEDI graduation certificates were presented to Chief Ritchie and Mayor Charbonneau. From left, CEDI Program Officer Ryan Walker-Melton, Chief Conrad Ritchie, Mayor Luke Charbonneau, and Reconciliation Lead Tanya Tourangeau.

CEDI graduation certificates were presented to Chief Ritchie and Mayor Charbonneau. From left, CEDI Program Officer Ryan Walker-Melton, Chief Conrad Ritchie, Mayor Luke Charbonneau, and Reconciliation Lead Tanya Tourangeau. Image supplied.

The CEDI working group gathered for a photo to close the ceremony.

The CEDI working group gathered for a photo to close the ceremony. Image supplied.
