

The creation of Ross (Resident of Saugeen Shores) has won the Town of Saugeen Shores its second CAMA Willis Award for Innovation.

In May of 2019 the Town of Saugeen Shores introduced a new ‘resident’. This Resident of Saugeen Shores (Ross) was given a mission to educate citizens on a variety of municipal topics and has since starred in a number of YouTube videos that explain local operations such as the Town budget, the Legacy Fund and Town Council.

At the October 26 Committee of Whole meeting, Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) Ontario Representative Brenda Orchard, recognized the Learn With Ross Program and the Town of Saugeen Shores with their 2020 Willis Award for Innovation for the under 20,000 population category.

Orchard noted the awards take into account a potential for transferability to other local governments and a project's ability to enhance the administrative practices of other municipalities.

“We’re proud to say that we share these examples of best practice across the country with other municipalities,” informed Orchard. “So your good work helps others which is also wonderful."

This is not the first time the Town has been granted the Willis Award for Innovation. In 2019, the Shore Report podcast also won in the under 20,000 population category.

The Learn With Ross videos can be found on the Town's YouTube channel.