
Over two dozen organizations part of second annual Information Expo

Nicole560Nicole Charles, second from left, is new to Port Elgin and was welcomed by, left to right, Debbie Bell, Ann Veyvara-Divinski and Louise Martin of PRANCE (Pegasus Riding Association Nurturing Challenged Equestrians). PRANCE was in attendance informing guests of their programs and volunteer opportunities. Bell was also there with information on various programs related to the arts in Saugeen Shores.

Hub Staff

A total of 26 different organizations, all of which serve Saugeen Shores in one capacity or another, gathered together at the Port Elgin Branch Library on April 27 for the second annual Community Information Expo.

From employment and education to child services and coming events, the various groups came with advice and literature for all in attendance. “Last year we called it Newcomer Night and kind of targeted it to people who were new to the community,” said Bruce County Public Library Branch Services and Programs Coordinator, Nancy Kuhl, who explained that this year they wanted to open it up so that everybody felt like they could come and talk to the specific groups to find out what services, programs and events were in the area. “Sometimes you just don't know what's available so it's kind of nice to gather them all together in one space.”

Kuhl said that the idea was also to promote the library. “I think people think we're a building with books in it so we want to represent ourselves as something more than that and as a place where people can come together and connect and learn and make community connections too.”

New Port Elgin resident, Nicole Charles, who moved to the area from Red Deer, Alberta in June last year, thought the event was a great idea and was looking to find out what was available in Saugeen Shores. “I missed last year’s because I was in the process of moving so I wanted to come and see this year,” she said.

The Information Expo, which is going to be replicated at the Kincardine Branch Library on May 23, Kuhl hoped would continue to be an annual event. “We're hoping it catches on and it becomes a big event,” she said.

Police560Saugeen Shores Police Service Sergeant Andy Evans was on hand with information about the service and to offer information on volunteering for such programs as the Saugeen Shores Community Watch.

VPI560From left, Jenna Pentland of Contact North, Lynn Beatty of Lake Huron Learning and Lindsay Rourke of VPI Working Solutions spoke to guests about education and employment services.

Town Chamber560Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce Tourism Coordinator Cheryl Beamish, left, had information on events in the area including Canada's 150th, while the Town of Saugeen Shores' Marketing and Programs Coordinator Laura Moscone provided guests with community service information including summer camps, pool schedules and facility information.

BTB560Business to Bruce Business Development Coordinator Tori Matichuk was looking to advise people looking to start up their own businesses.

211 560Debbe Rogers was informing people on 2-1-1, a free telephone helpline service which connects individuals with community, social, non-clinical health and related government services.

Rotary560Port Elgin Rotary Club's Doug Gowanlock, left, and Dan Murawsky were looking for new members and informing people on the various work which the Rotary Club does in the community.

Chantry560Marie Melanson of Southampton’s Chantry Centre 50+ was providing information on the numerous activities available at the centre.

Georgian560Kailey Hawkins had information on various local educational opportunities available from Georgian College.
