Maxine Pat560Rowland's staff members Maxine "Mad Max" Osborne-Bezzo, left, and Pat Corley were wearing their GEM hats with pride on April 22 for Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation's GEM Day April 22.

Hub Staff

It was a GEM of a weekend at Rowland's Your Independent Grocer April 22 and 23 as they helped to promote the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation's (SMHF) GEM program. GEM, which stands for Give Every Month, is a chance for people to contribute to the Hospital Foundation easily and conveniently on a monthly basis.

SMHF volunteers were on hand Saturday and Sunday at the Port Elgin store as they handed out information on the program and spoke to shoppers about becoming a GEM, while Rowland's staff members helped spread the word by wearing GEM sweaters and baseball caps and distributing GEM information cards to shoppers.

SMHF Executive Director Sally Kidson said that GEM days, like the ones at Rowland's, is a way for the Foundation to raise awareness about the program and remind people that monthly donations are an option. “It’s another way that people can give to the hospital and to maybe let people know about giving to the hospital who have never given before,” she said in a telephone interview Monday, earlier stating that even a monthly contribution of $5 or $10 “adds up to make a difference” and is an alternative to trying to coming up with a donation at the end of the year.

Kidson said that donating each month had always been an option but since they started the GEM program last year, they had gone from four people donating monthly to 42 and that the aim was 100. “That means if something comes up in between the time when we're doing fundraisers, where a piece of equipment is needed, we have some regular income so we can help out right away if we need to.” She added that they were now up to almost $16,000 a year through the GEM program.

Foundation Chair Jonna Ebel attended GEM Day at Rowland’s and said because the new Emergency Room at the Southampton hospital is opening later this year, and that the government does not pay for capital equipment, the Foundation was working to create a steady stream of income for the hospital while making it convenient for donors. “It comes out of their account [each month] and they can choose the amount that they want.” Ebel added that it gives donors a long term tax benefit without the bother of trying to remember to write a cheque. “It just makes a difference for the donors.”

Ebel gave praise to Rowland’s. “Independent kicked us off with a bunch of gift certificates we’ll be able to use for fundraisers and different events as well,” she said, adding that the Port Elgin grocery store has been very supportive.

Anyone interested in becoming a GEM can sign up online at or by calling 519-797-3230, ext. 3230.

Jonna Tony560Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) Chair Jonna Ebel and SMHF Director Tony Sheard were spreading the word about the Foundation’s GEM program to shoppers at Rowland's Your Independent Grocer April 22.

Susie560Susie Newbigging and other cashiers at Rowland's donned GEM hoodies this past weekend as they served customers to raise awareness for the SMHF monthly donation program.