chestersA mock-up of what the proposed bump-outs would look like in front of Chester's Bar & Grill, Port Elgin.

Hub Staff

Just in time for patio season, the purposed bump-out patio at Chester’s Bar & Grill was approved by members of Port Elgin’s BIA, May 31.

A part of the new patio by-law approved by council February 29, this pilot project would see the popular patio spot extend to the street with one parking space becoming a walkway with a boardwalk that fits around the extended patio.

Related: New policy could mean more sidewalk patios this summer

At a May 31 BIA meeting, Port Elgin BIA President, Jeff Carver said that this idea was a bold one. “I think it’s going to gain a lot of traction and improve our overall aesthetic of our downtown,” said Carver, who knew of three other business that are interested in building bump-outs.

Chester’s owner, Kent Tollefson told the room that he has seen bump-outs bring more foot traffic to areas before, and gave an example of Port Credit in Mississauga. “It creates a good vibe and a walking traffic,” said Tollefson. He made mention that Port Elgin isn't a walking town, and that people drive to specific shops. “If you're not walking around then you're not poking into all the little stores here and there.”

“We’re doing all these things to try and bring people here, this is something that will get people talking, they'll come from all over,” said Tollefsen who called it a “wow factor”.

One concern did arise from the meeting and that was the elimination of one downtown parking spot.

Councillor Neal Menage had made mention in previous BIA meetings that if one parking spot is removed, he would like to see another one replace it a block away. As a result, Menage was asked to present a Port Elgin Parking Review at the May 24 Committee of a Whole meeting.

In his review Menage had short, intermediate and long term suggestions about creating more parking spaces, such as, creating additional alternative parking spaces to accommodate sub-compact cars and motorcycles (short term); turning laneways into parking spaces (intermediate); and for the town to eventually purchase additional land for parking or consider converting two-way streets to one-way, and looking at angled parking. Councillors voted to have town staff look at the options that had been presented but made no immediate decisions.

Carver added to the issue of parking, “I think rolling some of these things out (bump-outs, parking spaces) in unison is our best approach and the best way to build support.”

Carver added that although he disagrees, he has listened to the opinions of other Port Elgin business owners regarding downtown parking and feels that because they are members of the BIA, their concerns are legitimate. “Whether I agree with them or not is not the issue here,” he said, adding that the issue is making sure to respect people’s points of view “as often as possible”. He continued, “I think it’s not going to take them long to realize that bump-outs can make a significant impact, really,” Carver stated.

Menage informed the group that they had his vote on the one year trial period. “I want this to happen and want to see it work this year and what effect it has but I will fall back on that position with the hope that in 2017 we start to see town staff add some parking spaces."

The members present for the BIA meeting voted unanimously in favour of the pilot patio bump-out project.

bumpoutFurther mock-ups of what the proposed bump-outs in front of Chester’s Bar & Grill in Port Elgin.