Photo by Kendall Scott on Unsplash

This June 17, 18 and 19, some former Saugeen District High School (SDHS) students from two classes are expected to return to Saugeen Shores for a 50 year reunion.

In a recent submission to Saugeen Shores Hub, students who began Grade 9 in 1967 and 1968 at the Port Elgin high school, as well as anyone who joined the classes through to the graduating years of 1972 and 1973, along with former teachers and staff, will have an opportunity to participate in events throughout the weekend including a 'Meet and Greet,' a barbecue dinner, a dance featuring '60s and '70s music by 'Settle the Ghost' and a 'Tribute to Teachers and Staff' brunch.

All events will be held at Lakeshore Recreation Port Elgin with registration and a 'Nostalgia and Memorabilia Room' opening Friday evening and Saturday morning.

The planning for the event began in 2020 and despite the pandemic, Reunion Chair Jim Hilbig (Class of '72) said response has been "very favourable" with an expected 200 attendees, including guests.

The reunion committee has secured a shuttle service, courtesy of Bruce Power, on Friday and Saturday for the use of attendees to and from their lodgings to 'Reunion Central' and for visiting Saugeen Shores and downtown areas.

A private Facebook group, 'Saugeen DHS 50 year class reunion,' has been created.