
Port Elgin's premier Farm to Table event


Tickets are selling fast for Port Elgin’s premier Farm to Table event, August 12, where Executive Chef Randy Felker will be showcasing local produce, meats and ciders in his four course dinner on the street. “I am really excited to be working with local farmers and creating dishes outside with an audience,” said Felker, who added that he wanted to share how to create a masterpiece at home using in-season vegetables.

The Friday night event is hosted by the Port Elgin Business Improvement Area (BIA), the Port Elgin Farmers’ Market as well as a team of volunteers and will be highlighting local farmers, artists and entrepreneurs. Port Elgin BIA President, Jeff Carver, loves the concept. “This is a true local concept, we have local bands providing entertainment, local cider, beer and wines and a local group of volunteers working together to promote our farmers in both Port Elgin and Bruce County.”

Carver added his excitement in sharing the friendly culture and atmosphere of downtown Port Elgin. “The long harvest tables lined up on Green Street is going to be so much fun. Everyone will make new friends or run into old ones. We live in Port Elgin, it’s a place to celebrate the summer amongst friends.”

Tickets are available at Mensch, Cathy’s Flowers ’N Treasures, Blackboard Sound and Wednesday’s Farmers’ Market in Coulter Parkette.


